3 Industry Areas An Electrolysed Water Generator Is Essential Can Help Improve

Many different ways are having an electrolysed water generator could be deemed advantageous, especially in the office. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, it is now important more than ever to provide safe and hygienic workplaces for all employees.
At Tokui, we are paving the way to provide you with clean liquids for every kind of use from drinking to food preparation.
In this blog, we’re going to give you a few key industry areas that could greatly benefit from using an electrolysed water generator.
Let’s take a look!
First Off, What Is an Electrolysed Water Generator?
An electrolysed water generator is a biotechnology tool that works to activate a chemical change in the liquid using electricity. These components that make up the liquid include H2O and Salt which are separated using an electric current. This creates Hypochlorous which is perfect to use as a cleaning solution. This is a safe and effective alternative to traditional detergents, which is why people are raving about electrolysed water generators. In the next few sections, we’re going to dive into how this machinery can help a wide scope of professions.
1. Hospitality
If there’s ever an industry that requires an electrolysed water generator, it’s those in the hospitality profession. The job involves a large number of disinfectants to clean various surfaces and do dishwashing, ensuring the kitchen and dining area are completely tidy. This tool aims to reduce the risk that comes with constant exposure to dangerous chemicals for employees. In addition to cleaning, an electrolysed water generator is essential for food preparation guaranteeing that the meals cooked are not only delicious but are safely made.
2. Healthcare
There’s no other profession with a direct focus on cleanliness and sanitisation practices than the healthcare industry. An electrolysed water generator can be highly beneficial for healthcare workplaces such as hospitals, GPs, private clinics, and much more.
There have even been claims that state that the liquid coming from the machinery can assist in wound cleaning and speed up the healing process, making it even more advantageous. In short, due to its cleaning capabilities, this is the perfect tool to use in the healthcare industry.
3. Cleaning
The most important industry by far that could greatly use an electrolysed water generator is for those who are in the cleaning profession. As we’ve mentioned before, hygiene is incredibly important, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. When it comes to cleaning, there are a lot of chemicals and detergents required to effectively sanitise surface areas.
This machinery can help ensure the safety of their employees as well as the safety of food in hospitality venues. Whether you are working in an office, hospitality or entertainment venue, or any other public area, having this tool to assist with the cleaning process can make a whole world of difference to the industry.
An electrolysed water generator is an important tool for a wide scope of businesses. From cleaning, and healthcare, to hospitality, having safe and hygienic cleaning liquids is highly necessary. To encourage clean and environmentally friendly practices, this machinery can make a wonder of a difference to the following industries.
At Tokui, we are passionate about helping businesses flourish. Catering to a wide range of food preparation and water-related biotechnology, we work to improve the world one drip at a time.