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Electrolysed Water Machine

Our source of clean water is getting scarce and limited, especially in areas where tap water is no longer reliable for drinking, forcing most to spend more on bottled water. Electrolysed Water Ionisers are one of the answers to these problems, and choosing the right one with a lot to offer will be beneficial, especially to some that prioritise health.

Why Choose Tokui

Tokui's Alkaline Water filter lasts up to 8000 litres or around 10 to 14 months for typical use. We also offer a two-week trial, a one-year warranty, and free delivery.

For your Tokui Electrolysed Water Machine accessories, it is essential to choose the right filter for your machine. So, pair it up with the Tokui Electrolysed Water Filter Replacement.

Don't forget to share alkaline ionised water's benefits with your family and friends via our 5L Electrolysed Water Bags. Share the healthy water with your family, friends, and relatives today.

Click here to view some of our Alkaline Water Test Videos

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